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A live summit to dissect and debunk the monkey business surrounding both monkeypox and the theory of pathogenic viruses at large.

Virology's Unproven Assumptions

Alec Zeck has a discussion with Mike Donio, Jacob Diaz, Dr. Jordan Grant MD, and John Blaid on the fallacious reasoning, unproven assumptions, and lack of proof for virus theory.

What Do You Mean - Viruses Don't Exist?

Are you confused and frustrated by people saying “viruses don’t exist”?  This video will provide the necessary context and add clarity to what they actually mean.

Why germ theory has never been proven

The reality of viruses and the true causes of disease

The truth about viruses
(17 m)

But... what about?


Debunking virology in 13 minutes


A deep dive into the science including the 1920 experiments that are the basis to the whole virus transmission story.

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